3 easy ways to style your WFH space


With working from home here to stay, it is essential to create a space that is comfy and helps you focus.

Rebecca Snowden, Interior Style Advisor at Furniture And Choice (FurnitureChoice.co.uk), shares 3 easy and budget-friendly ways to style your work from home area.


1. Complement the existing décor

“Turn an area of your home into your workspace if you don’t have a spare room,” Rebecca says. “For example, work out of your kitchen-diner with a table and bench. Pick an oak dining set to complement your wooden flooring which will bring out the warm, welcoming vibes of the space.” Aside from the décor, maximise any natural lighting by keeping the windows curtain-free. “If your kitchen doesn’t get much light, go for task lighting or sun lamps to improve your wellbeing,” Rebecca advises. 


2. Maximise space with workplace essentials

“Invest in a comfy bar stool if you’re working from your kitchen island,” Rebecca advises. “Make use of existing storage such as shelving to store items. If you don’t have enough shelving, get a trolley cart to keep your essentials close by.” Add personal touches with greenery or artwork for that spark of creativity. “A bouquet of flowers or potted plants instantly uplifts the room,” Rebecca says. “Think vertically  by displaying artwork on the walls or knick-knacks with wall shelving.

3. Zone a WFH corner with wall tiles

Zone a workspace corner with wall tiles to differentiate it from the rest of the room. “Choose a relaxing hue for the tiles to set the scene for productivity,” Rebecca says. “If the alcove is in the living room, position the desk away from the TV to prevent distractions.” Decorate the alcove like an actual home office by installing floating shelves and a comfy chair.
